Our Services
Our clinic offers a wide range of services to meet your dental needs. We are committed to providing you
with the best possible care in a gentle and caring environment.
- Cosmetic Treatment
- Scaling and Polishing
- Teeth Whitening
- Smile designing
- Root Canal Treatment
- Single sitting or Two sitting procedure
- Painless procedure
- Saves the tooth
- Pediatric Treatment
- Special care
- Milk tooth extractions
- Tooth restoration
- Habit breaking appliances
- Oral Surgery
- Surgical removal of Impacted wisdom tooth (Third molars)
- Frenectomy, Operculectomy, Apicoectomy
- Surgical removal of fibrous tissue or growth from oral mucosa
- Prosthodontic Treatment
- Removable Partial /Full Dentures
- Crowns and Bridge
- Veneers
- Implants
- Orthodontic Treatment
- Straight Wire Appliances for alignment and retraction of teeth
- Clear Aligners
- Tooth coloured Ceramic braces